Why Landlords
Want their Tenants
to Have this Book!

Do you know how much it costs for:
  • a plumber to clean out a clogged waste line because a tenant flushed something bad?
  • an exterminator to treat building halls and apartments for tenants who don't follow simple bedbug prevention procedures?
  • a building superintendent to dig through every recycling can to avoid getting a ticket from the city sanitation department?
The answer: tens of thousands of dollars a year!

If apartment dwellers were trained -- if they knew the simple things that they shouldn't do (like flush dental floss, overload electrical sockets, or take in furniture from the curb) -- they would save themselves and their landlord time, money, and possibly their lives.

That's why landlords and real estate pros are giving the new book, LIVE SMART! The Apartment Living Primer, by Steve "The Super" Nathan, to their tenants, clients, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

The book is a comprehensive, easy-to-read, smartly illustrated guide that teaches apartment dwellers how to live smart, safe and sane in their (or your) apartment.

The book is packed with easy, practical tips, written in a casual, common sense style by a
legendary apartment building superintendent.


Take Bed Bugs, for example

Bed bugs are running wild through apartments, hotels -- even movie theaters. They are making exterminators a lot of money. They are costing landlords a lot of money. But they are easily preventable and treatable -- if you have the knowledge!

LIVE SMART's Bed Bug prevention section lays out the facts:
  • how a non-toxic (actually edible) mineral can be used to help tenants sleep serenely while at home or travelling
  • how bed bugs travel from apartment to apartment, and the simple ways that they can be "locked out"
  • why wrapping mattresses and pillows is useful only after bedbugs have bitten


What about Painting and Decorating?

Everyone wants to "make their house a home." Did you know that there are simple planning and communication tips that will save apartment dwellers expensive headaches and deliver the best results and the least mess?


  • what to get from the building Super before the painter, wallpaper hanger, and tiler get there.
  • what to get from the tradesmen, before they leave, that can make your life easier for years to come.
  • how to hang pictures, plants, and other fixtures without permanent damage

Too hot? Too cold?

The only thing worse -- for both landlord and tenant -- than a plumbing or heating problem is a plumbing or heating emergency. LIVE SMART! helps you avoid both by explaining:
  • how to tell if you have a true emergency or a temporary "bump" in the road
  • what you should and shouldn't ever flush down the toilet
  • how to adjust your radiators so that they don't leak or hiss

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

LIVE SMART! packs over 30 years of valuable, practical knowledge into one handy volume that benefits everyone involved in the management, maintenance and decoration of apartments.

Besides sections on bugs, plumbing, heating, and decorating, you'll find valuable information about:
  • personal safety (locks and security)
  • fire safety (alarms and safe electrical use)
  • electricity
  • housekeeping (chemicals and their disposal, garbage and recyclables)
  • your household toolbox
  • basic rights and responsibilities: what a tenant, co-op owner, condo owner, and/or landlord should and shouldn't touch.

LIVE SMART! The Apartment Living Primer will be published in September 2012. If you care about the well-being of your family (and of your apartment, of course!) you will make sure that your tenants, neighbors, and family all have a copy -- and keep it close by.